Monday, August 25, 2008

First blog

Hi My Name is Tom Kidd, do you like my first blog. I love my wife Jammie very much and our daughters Allison, Nicole, and my homeboy Landon. I am going to be a grandpa soon.


Tami said...

I love your first blog, and your first post. I'm super excited to see what you and Jammie have to post about.

Wright's said...

We are looking forward to this weekend. GO AGGIES!

Allison said...

Glad I could help you set this up!!!

KurtisKidd said...


When did the Atlanta Braves change their logo?

The Allred's said...

Your first blog rocks! We can't wait to see what else you come up with! You two are going to be terrific grandparents!!

rob said...

Tom you big goober!!! You and Jammie are going to be awesome grandparents.
Love you both -r

Unknown said...

Hello Tom and Jammie.
This is your cousin, Julie Kidd :-) in Arizona! I was on DeAnn's blog and decided to say hi to y'all. I feel left out missing the corn fest every year.
So you are going to be grandparents? Wow. Update me on your kids.
I will write more later. Take care,