Monday, February 9, 2009

It's been along time since I've rocked and rolled........It's also been along time since I last blogged.

 Where do I start, Should I start at the middle like the Star War movie? Or start where I left off last time?

I think I will start right here right now. 

I married the girl of my dreams (Jammie) on February 2nd 1995 in the Salt Lake City Temple, This wonderful marriage not only came with one beautiful girl, it came with two additional beautiful girls. Our first of the two Allison, who is now married to a handsome man of her own (Landon) the two of them have a beautiful daughter of their own named Chloe who is almost four months old. Our Second beautiful girl Nicole, has graduated from high school and LDS Seminary, she is living in Price Utah at the moment.
          Allison and Nicole's Father, Burke L. Newren was killed in a motorcycle accident May 25th 1991.
         I believe that I am the most fortunate man on earth, having the privilege of being a part of these girls lives.      

Monday, August 25, 2008

First blog

Hi My Name is Tom Kidd, do you like my first blog. I love my wife Jammie very much and our daughters Allison, Nicole, and my homeboy Landon. I am going to be a grandpa soon.